Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Liveship Traders

Ship of Magic is finished, and I have started on the second book in the trilogy: Mad Ship. Unfortunelately I haven't been able to read as much as I wanted to since I just started working after three years off due to 'studies'. Strange how tired you can get from work when you're not used to it.

Mad Ship continues where Ship of Magic left off and, in my opinion, is just as good. The characters you have come to love get thrown into bad situations and I find myself wondering if they are able to make things right and if the trilogy will have a happy ending. Also, the scope of the second book is a bit bigger, introducing new characters and making the book not only about the Vestrit family, but about the whole town. The book is certainly more political than the first one. The book does not disappoint though, I certainly recommend it.


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