Saturday, 19 January 2008


Yesterday, after finishing work in the morning I was looking forward to a whole weekend without work. Didn't plan to do much, just read some, relax and see what happans. But then I got a call from work, of course, they really needed me to work another night shift and being the nice guy I am I couldn't say no of course. So I was working again last night, came home early this morning, went to bed and woke up just a few hours ago. Still very tired. So tonight I don't even wanna leave the house, just stay home and read and relax.

I am still reading London: The Novel, by Edward Rutherfurd (it is so long, 1300 pages in the paperback edition), but it is also very good, better than Sarum, the last book I read by the same author. The story takes place, as you might have guessed, in London and follows several families through their rise and fall and subesquent rise or fall in London society. The families are the protagonists, so every chapter jumps some time ahead in the future, from a few years to a few centuries. As in Sarum, the different family members often share a common family trait, or several, which helps identify them throughout history. Also, the families share a lot of interaction between each other, often members from different families marry each other, thereby linking the families closer together. I am currently come to the time of the reformation, after the War of the Roses, when the Plantagenet dynasty fell from the throne of England to be replaced by the House of Tudor. Almost halfway through the book, so stilla lot of fun and interesting reading ahead of me. very much looking forward to it.

Other than working and reading, not much has been going on in my life since coming home from Australia almost two months ago. Three years of studying without working certainly left a big dent in my wallet and I know have to pay for that. This was something I knew before coming home though, so no regrets. I had an awesome time down under, and a few onths of hard work when coming home is a small price to pay. In a month I will start my new job, and than will only work days, with every weekend off. Better pay will also help my situation. I hope to get my finances in order within a few months, hopefully by easter when I am going to Italy for a week.

Well, not much more to write about for the moment. heading back to the couch to read some more. Until next time


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