Friday 21 December 2007

Finished with Liveship Traders

Today I woke up early and headed to work, only to find out there was a mix-up and I wasn't supposed to work anyways. So I had a day with no plans at all, which left a lot of time for reading, which suited me perfectly. I have been working a lot lately, and haven't slept as much as I wanted to, so I have been very tired. So most of the day was spent on the couch, reading or napping.

I managed to finish Ship of Destiny, the last book in the Liveship Traders trilogy, and I must say the ending was just superb. The whole series has been very good, and the ending completely complemented that. All the different plots and characters got interwoven into a great and believeable finale, leaving me very satisfied. It definately is the sign of a good book when I can't decide whether to quickly finish it to discover what happens to the characters I have come to love or to read it slowly just to enjoy it longer. These books will definelately be read again in a year or two.

I have now started on Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley, a biography about Aleister Crowley. I have always felt that Crowley has been misunderstood by most people. He is viewed as a satanist and even the Great Beast, 666, but in my mind he was not evil, only a man willing to explore different religions and make up his own mind about what to do in his life. Anyways, whatever he was, I find it interesting to read about his life, to see where he was coming from and how he chose to live his life. I haven't gotten very far in the book yet, but I already find it very interesting.

Christmas is also coming up fast, yesterday I bought christmas presents for friends and family, deciding this year to get books for most of them. I love walking through bookstores, browsing through books. Buying books is fun, even if they are not for me.

Now I'm gonna have to write up my resyme, as I'm planning to apply for a new job in January. I'm currently working at 7-Eleven, but planning to find a job more relevant to my finance degree. Until next time


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